Sunday, February 9, 2014

“You only live once” AXA Health Campaign: Fail Proof Your Future Now!

How should we handle emergency cases, like sickness and the likes, These are inevitable things we cannot avoid in life. so we must be prepare for it. After attending AXA's event yesterday, i realized how important it is that the earlier we plan our sickness insurance, the better.

Listening to Ms. Prats story makes me think how hard it is not to have an insurance. more than the agony of facing a love ones suffering from an illness, where to get the financial is one big burden to handle It's good that to know, that  there is  a company, like AXA, who could cover us in our times of despair and emergencies.

Usec Dr. Ted Herbosa of DOH, mentioned common diseases afflicting filipinos now due to bad lifestyle. thus we should be aware of these and be mindful of things we do and eat,

 Lifestyle diseases afflicting more Filipinos. AXA urges financial preparedness for critical illnesses,other medical emergencies. According to statistics from the Department of Health (DOH), non-communicable diseases (NCDs) or lifestyle diseases such as heart attack or heart failure, stroke, and cancer are the top 3 leading causes of death among Filipinos.
  Digging deeper into the numbers, it is reported that more than 276 Filipinos die of heart disease on a daily basis. Moreover, 9 people are diagnosed with cancer every hour, and 142 Filipinos die from cancer every day. At least one Filipino suffers from stroke every 9 minutes; for those who survive, they have a 75% chance of becoming permanently disabled.

While there may be increasing public awareness to preventing these diseases through diet and exercise, little is done to raise awareness for Filipinos to prepare financially for the impact of having any of these lifestyle diseases.

The cost for heart by-pass surgery, chemotherapy, or brain surgery ranges from P500,000 to as much as P1,000,000, an amount that most regular health plans cannot cover. Moreover, it is estimated that medical costs are expected to double in the next 10 years --- a rate much higher than economic inflation.

That is why AXA Philippines, one of the country’s largest and fastest growing life insurance companies, is helping Filipinos prepare for the threat of future major medical emergencies by launching three (3) new products that provide adequate coverage to Filipinos when they face a critical illness.

“We want to give customers what they need,” says Rien Hermans, President & CEO of AXA Philippines. “With the health trends in the Philippines and in most countries today, the risk of developing a critical illness is now higher than ever. Therefore, people should be protecting themselves from the financial impact of being diagnosed with a critical illness.”

“Each of our three products are individually designed to address the needs, said Amor Balagtas, Chief Marketing Officer of AXA Philippines.

Health Exentials is a simple, all-in-one health and protection plan that gives the greatest value at an affordable price. For as low as P59/day, customers can get P5.5 million worth of comprehensive benefits, which include a critical conditions benefit, total & permanent disability benefit, daily hospitalization income benefit, a one-time surgical benefit, and a maturity cash benefit. Health Exentials premiums can be as low as only P1,140 a month or P39/day.

Health Max provides maximum lifetime coverage as it gives medical benefits until age 100. It also has the widest coverage of illnesses in the market today, covering 56 major medical conditions and 18 minor illnesses. Early stage cancer diagnosis and angioplasty, not normally covered by other health plans, are included in Health Max. It also has higher medical benefits of up to P10 million, as well as a special Advanced Health Fund that starts at age 70, which can be used for various medicines and treatments most common at that age.

SME ProteXion caters to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with at least 10 employees. It offers health and protection packages-in-one with various benefit options to choose from such as critical care coverage, daily hospitalization income, life insurance coverage and death and disablement coverage. This simple and straightforward product has flexible payment options to suit your business budget.

“What we are emphasizing is the importance of adequate financial preparedness,” says Hermans. “Critical illnesses have significant physical and financial impacts, and we want Filipinos to understand that there are products available that will enable them to financially secure their health-related needs, and they can do so while they are still at their prime.”

To learn more about AXA Philippines’ products and services, visit or You may also call their customer hotline (02) 5815-AXA (292) or (02) 3231-AXA (292).
About AXA Philippines
Philippine AXA Life Insurance Corp. (AXA Philippines) is one of the leading and fastest-growing life insurance companies in the Philippines. It is borne out of the formidable synergy between Metrobank, one of the foremost financial institutions in the Philippines, and the AXA Group, a worldwide leader in insurance and asset management serving 102 million customers in 57 countries.
Life Goes On
A Health Exentials Story

“You only live once.”
This was the principle that Michelle de Jesus lived by. She just turned 30, and was doing quite well as medical representative in a leading pharmaceutical company. She was starting to earn comfortably and was able to save some money enough for a European tour she was planning.

She loved travelling, hanging out with friends, looking for new adventures. She was fit and relatively healthy --- she did yoga twice a week and was thinking of starting with pole dancing in a month.

Then Michelle suffered a stroke.

She had to have aneurysm surgery which cost P400,000. She was confined for 15 days in the ICU and another 30 days after in a regular room. Her total hospital bill easily reached P700,000.

After being discharged, she tried a few weeks of physical therapy and had to continue being under medication, which, all in all, cost her some more money as well.

Unfortunately, nine months after her stroke, despite all her attempts with physical therapy, her doctor diagnosed her as totally and permanently disabled, as a result of the stroke she suffered.

Suffering a stroke was physically, emotionally, and mentally draining already for Michelle. But did she also have to suffer the financial stress of paying for all her medical bills? Michelle had some savings, but it was not enough.

How AXA’s Health Exentials Plan can help Michelle

Because Health Exentials gives great value-for-money health coverage, Michelle can get benefits that are many times more than what she pays for.

For a very affordable P2,170 per month for a Health Exentials Deluxe Plan, Michelle will be able to receive cash benefits worth P2.28 million, broken down as follows:
• P1 million > upon diagnosis of critical condition (stroke)
• P1 million > within one year upon diagnosis of total & permanent disability
• P135,000 > Daily Hospitalization benefit (P3,000/day x 45 days)
• P45,000 > ICU Hospitalization benefit (P3,000/day x 15 days)
• P100,000 > non-smoker bonus

Epilogue: Moving On
“It’s been a rough ride, but I have so much to look forward to,” shares Michelle with a slur, smiling despite the slight disfiguration on the left side of her face. “I’m just glad I don’t have to think about paying for my hospital bills because of Health Exentials.”

“I’ve had to resign from my job in sales,” muses Michelle. “But with all the cash benefits I received from AXA, I was able to start several franchised food cart businesses which my brother helps me manage. It’s doing pretty well.”

“Despite what I’ve been through, I feel blessed. I have the opportunity to pick up the pieces, reinvent myself, and hold my head up high” she concludes with a smile. “After all, life goes on.”

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